This character (fig. 6), which is sometimes
called shifted in the sexual sense, is laid down before the age of four.
In the basis of the term «psychopathy» Greek words
«soul» and «suffering» lie, and the term itself is treated as «the innate
features of the structure of the character, at the basis of which disharmony,
unbalanced state or the instability of soul processes lie».
Being distracted from the describing of the
psychopathic character, I want to note that many people tell that in the age of
three they had some uncommon events occurring with them, which can be
considered as traumas, psychological or physical. There is an impression
created that this is a very important boundary in the life of a man. The next
two ages, when the important for all remaining life events occur, - are five
years and seven years. You can consider in the age of seven that a child is
completely formed and isn’t different in anything from an adult person, but the
exception of life experience. But the naiveté of the reasoning of the
child in no way implies that one can talk condescendingly to him and treat him
arrogantly and haughty, establishing one’s authority over him. This is a problem
of limitations, in which adults live. I hope I have drawn your attention to
this question.
Trauma, which lays down this type of character,
is temptation, enticement of the child by the parent of the opposite sex. As a
rule, the parent himself has no consciousness about that. The child attempts to
find support in the parent of his sex, but doesn’t find it because husband and
wife are cross-connected to each other. He attempts to join the parent of the
opposite sex, but cannot get what is necessary to him from him through the
completely understandable reasons. Then he feels himself betrayed and
compensates it by manipulating this parent.
In the majority of cases mother steps forward
as this parent – and with respect to the son, and with respect to the daughter.
The following situation can serve as the simplest example of this behavior.
The woman is sexually excited – either she has
not seen her husband for a long time or due to another reason. And at that very
time she can be playing with the child or washing him in the tank. It’s clear
that her impulse is completely absorbed by the child, because children commonly
are much more receptive and more sensitive then the adults. The child tends
toward the parent but doesn’t get what is necessary for him. He furthermore
feels himself betrayed and rejected.
When the woman breeds up child or children
alone, everything is entirely clear here, as on the palm – she simply has no
place to put the accumulated sexual energy and very often splashes it to the
children. I’ve noticed that when a woman breeds up the child alone, the
probability for the sexual shift in the child to appear increases greatly. If
the parents wanted to have child of one sex, but became aware that they’ll have
the child of another sex, the probability for the psychopathetic type of
character to appear is also increased here. However, this attitude toward the
child serves as a reason for appearance of the schizoid type of character
because the child even in a womb feels him undesired and rejected and splits
I would like to remind again that it doesn’t
worth for you to be distressed and to put you to death about this or that
actions, if you have recalled that something alike has happened with you. You
shouldn’t blame your parents too. Which was, that was; which is, that is. If
the child came to this world to live through the psychopathic type of
character, he will live through it in its all fullness, no matter how you would
protect you and him. If this character type is alien for him or is present in a
small quantity in him, then, no matter how you would try to shift him, he will
live through completely different life anyway. Each of us has his own way, and
one way is not a bit worse and not a bit better than another.
Sexual shift was present if the society in all
times. And among the women and among the men it made up to approximately 3-5%
of the total number of species of the given sex in any point of the planet.
This is a law of the normal distribution, which has been proved mathematically,
and you have nothing to do with this law, just as with any other law of nature.
Nature requires all this for a particular purpose, it
balances something in this way. But weather it needs that, then it means that
we, the people, must make peace with this phenomenon, it will be better for us
that way.
But let us continue describing this character.
Besides the temptation, the mother suppresses
the child, controls and manipulates him, and also doesn’t take him seriously.
By such a treating she always supports the feeling of weakness in him. She
usually makes a contact to him for her own sake, putting the child’s wishes to
nowhere. Such a treating of the mover develops the feeling of weakness in the
child. He always experiences himself oppressed, controlled, little and weak.
All this helps psychopathic type of character to be developed, inside which, in
its turn, some investigators distinguish two kinds of psychopaths: rigid,
stubborn, noble and soft, charming, tempting. In principle, as I’ve noticed,
that these both types are mixed in one man usually.
Being a child, rigid psychopath, reacting to
the situation and acquiring the weigh among the others, trains his power with
the aid of the offensive behavior and of the swearing. He always tries to
reduce his dependence from the environment. In associations with people he is
not capable of expressing his feelings and draws no attention on the other’s
feelings. He attempts to keep the people further from himself. Executing the
role of the pleasant small or of a fine good-mannered girl, he nevertheless
bears «the killers» inside.
One woman noticed
that beginning from the very childhood, when she associated with someone of the
friends, they either had their life flawed, or they strongly fell ill, or they
even died in the terrible circumstances. Since some time she tries to hold
herself further from the people. When we analyzed what was common in all that
cases, it proved to be that she doesn’t tolerate the treason of her. «One
should take the vengeance for the treason. Horribly...» - she said.
If you have noticed for yourself something of
that kind, you should turn by your face to these killers and listen to what
they want to tell (as we have discussed it, when we had taken subpersons under
Rigid psychopath is able to change quickly his
style of behavior, in order to react to the situation. It’s easy to trace in
his behavior the manner to avoid and to instantly use the opportunity, when
this proves the benefit. He is impulsive, i.e., he is able to be torn away
without the preparation from the place, and the future annoys him slightly,
because he has a well-developed gift of foresight in him.
He cares greatly for his image. Relying on his
own ideas about himself and his exclusiveness, he worked hardly to create his
ideal portrait. He has an enormous feeling of superiority and deep contempt
living within him with respect to other people, what hides behind itself a
powerful inferiority complex. He may go against the society and he cannot be
trusted in.
Soft psychopath has, correspondently, soft
manners – he is attentive to others, delicate, tactful, and too polite. He
tends toward collaboration, he is pleasant in association, lovok*,
flexible, inventive. Associating with people, he tends toward reconciliation.
He also likes to manipulate by destroying and sapping below the others. He has
surface humbleness. This can easily be noticed and sensed by a too peaceful
appearance, which immediately produces distrust. And of course, he also loves
to fidget and to decline*.
In general, psychopath neglects his feelings,
particularly his own vulnerability and weakness. They are simply intolerable
for him. Consequently, it is simply a must for him to meet face-to-face with
his inner child. When associating with other people, he has the feeling
awakening in him that he has no value. When he faces some problem, he feels
himself demolished and oppressed. Inside he experiences himself bordered from
the others, this is why he tends toward nearness with
people. Thus, he is most likely to select a job for him where he will have the
opportunity to associate with people.
He has one remarkable feature which is worth
learning, especially by the people with masochist type of character structure.
He is deprived of the feeling of guilt, it simply does not be, and even if it
appears, tit immediately volatilizes, like the morning fog.
Since they tempted the psychopath in the
childhood and in every way possible they manipulated him, since then he tries
to control everything that occurs around him, in order not to fall in a jam.
There is an enormous fear living inside him that he will be mastered and used
for someone’s other purposes. This is intolerable for him. This is why in order
to change the situation into his benefit, and to take the proceedings under control,
he attracts attention to himself, exhibiting himself. In other words, he places
himself above the people, he tries to set up the
authority over them. Stimulus for the authority is enormous in him. As a rule,
the upper echelons of the authority are occupied by the people who have
strongly developed psychopathic character in them.
When one man was
only a child, his father mercilessly beat his brother in front of his eyes,
beat him terribly. Now, being already an adult, this man attempts to occupy the
uppermost levels of the authority, in order to have as fewer chiefs over him as
possible, who could «beat» him.
Psychopath has free kinds of favored defenses.
First of them – is «The Hook». It is used when he enters the confrontation with
someone, undergoing the attacks. On the subtle plane he really forms the energy
hook on the top of his head, when there he is threatened by the danger. At that
moment the attacker has an impression created that he has a face or the eyes of
the man he confronts with got closer to him. On the material plane this can
look as a well-known picture for us, when they gab by the shirt a man, pull him
towards you and tell him something which completely repulses the desire in him
to continue the confrontation. Although the grabbing by the shirt may be
absent, the accompanying words having rigid and threatening sense are actually
always present in this form of the defense.
The next defense-attack which psychopath uses
is called «Mental Seizure». On the subtle plane it looks like a tongs, which
are stretched from the head of the psychopath to the enemy, seize him and
retain in their field until the question will be solved positively.
On the material plane all this looks as if you
have nothing to do about it, you have absolutely no way out, but to agree to
the offer. Indeed this kind of defense disallows you, figuratively speaking, to
turn you head to see the way out. On the external plane the words which are
told to you may seem very polite, full of respect, care and desire to settle
everything in a good willed way, the reasons seem logical, but between the
lines there is a message traced regularly – you would better agree, or it will
be much worse for you. This way you are step by step moved toward the
acceptance of the required decision. It may be traced very often between the
message’s lines that the opponent is «bad» and not right, and the psychopath
himself using this defense is «good» and right. Everything described above is
pretty familiar, isn’t it?
The third defense which psychopath uses in
order to fence him from the unpleasant experiences – is «Hysteria». We already
described it, when we examined the oral structure of character. There is
certain difference between the hysterical fit of the oral and of the psychopath
but you think for you what does it consist of.
Sex is used by psychopath as a game of one’s
authority, the pleasure obtained from sex is secondary for him in respect to
the achieved victory. Intimate nearness he views as a drop of his status.
For instance, one
woman who had much from the man, told that the idea that she is weak, that they
have seen her weak is intolerable for her. That is why she never made
acquaintances for lovers with the people she has commonly associated with. And
she tried to meet the same men only once or two usually. When they leave
together, for instance, the hotel room, she attempts to go behind. He ceases to
exist for her, because he knows something about her which she wants to conceal
from people.
Sexuality of psychopath is hostile and fragile
namely because he was tempted and betrayed in the childhood. He treats opposite
sex as hostile and suspiciously, and he may have the desire to continue the
sexual intercourse disappeared in the middle of it. This concerns men, and the
women. This way he meets the hated for him weakness is again. One more distinct
feature of the psychopath, to tell about sex – is homosexual fantasies, that
are sexual fantasies directed on one’s own sex, but people suppress them very
often, because it is viewed as something immoral.
One mean to detect the presence of the sexual
shift in you – is to draw the attention to what you think about single-sex
love. If you – accurately your defender/controller – repeat yourself
persistently that it’ll never never occur, or if this
induces an aversion and disturbance in you, then it may be affirmed with the
hundred percent probability that this is present in
One other mean to detect this impulse in you
are the situations which you encounter in the life. If the men of your sex
repeatedly glue to you with «infamous» offerings, or you find yourself in
ambiguous situations, this means that you have this impulse present in you and
it is sufficiently strong.
Rigid psychopath has a body which is shifted
upward. He has blown chest which creates a deceiving impression that he is more
strong and powerful that he is in fact. Women, in respect, possess big breast.
His basin is thin and chilly, legs are slim, chilly, weak, and he stands still
on them infirmly. At walk his feet look like they roam. He seems important and
dangerous. Draw an attention on the figure in profile to almost full absence of
the buttocks and slim legs. This is one of the surest signs of presence of the
psychopathic structure of character. The muscles on the buttocks are tightened
in such a way that they squeeze them to basin.
Soft psychopath possesses more symmetric body
which looks tempting, though it’s difficult to stop the attention on it. It is
usually round or V-like; he moves softly, beautifully, and though he has his
exterior muscles soft, his interior muscles are tightened. His basin and legs
are the same as of rigid psychopath.
Strong strains of psychopath are present in the
muscles of basin, shoulders, skull basis and eyes. Between the upper and lower
halves of the body the connection is absent. This means that in the region of
the belt he has blocking which prevents the energy to move freely from up to
down and from down to up. The muscles in this region are friable, and they may
possess the accretions of fat on them. Abdomen steps forward above the belt.
The head of the rigid psychopath may be small
compared to the body and is held strongly and solidly. Soft psychopath
possesses the face without wrinkles and the expression is soft and plastic on
it. They both have soft, tender, sweet, tempting voice.
Eyes are observant, distrustful or soft,
tempting. In front of the inner sight of the psychopath an images may flick
such as absolute freedom, the superman, the hero, the rescuer.
Arms of the rigid psychopath tend forward and
may be big. Soft psychopath has soft and weak hands. The back of the rigid
psychopath is powerful and strong, of the soft one – superflexible.
Rigid psychopath may move in the manner like he
wants to kill someone, his movements are full of anger. Soft psychopath,
correspondently, moves softly and tempting.
The psychopath’s energy is shifted upward.
There’s plenty of it in the head too. When he gets angry, his face gets red,
but the body remains in rest. In the basin and in the legs there is very little
energy. As it was said before, in the region of the belt he has a block present
which prevents the exchange of energy between the upper and lower halves of the
body. It’s necessary for him to let the energy go from the upper half of the
body and to nourish the lower one with it.
Working chakras are – 4B, 6A, 6B and 7.
Since the psychopath tuned him to control
everything around him, in order not to fall into the unpleasant situation as it
has happened with him in the childhood, he develops such features in him as
lying and fraud, directed toward the achievement of a goal. He tells it so
faithfully, that others believe him unconditionally. But this is only a half of
the evil. The greatest evil consists of his lying to himself. That is why he is
sited in a vicious circle which practically has no exit from it,
- he is not able to see what is actually happening to him.
In relationships with other people
he wants and even demands them to support and encourage him, and all this is
because he was suppressed in the childhood and they aided him to constantly
undergo the defeat. But since in relationships with other people he will
dictate them: «You must...», people will very rarely agree to support that kind
of man, maybe but for the nearest ones. This is how he stays one-by-one with
his weakness again.
As it was stated before, psychopaths
possess a great stimulus for the authority and the necessity to stand over the
other people. They achieve it by threatening and oppressing, digging under,
through the tempting and praise. But the psychopath is torn up between the
dependence from the men and the wish and necessity to control, to dominate over
them, because the idea that others will use him on their own sake is
intolerable for him. The role of a pity man is also unbearable; it is
completely unacceptable and humiliating for him.
Psychopath always views him over the
others and he can be close only with ones who need him and who look at him with
respect. He may have the trust appeared in this people, but hardly it will be
deep, because he disbelieves everyone inside and always tends to affirm his
authority, since he has the defective disposition living in him: «It will be my
way». Near to him people feel themselves scared and threatened sometimes. Thus,
people don’t get closer to him, and he can’t make a step towards them.
In conversation psychopath impels
people to obey to him. He may keep silence, but the people will select him to
be the head anyway. People always have the disposition living in them to obey,
that is why they and the psychopath get along with each other with pleasure.
They become his followers with great pleasure, and he willingly commands them.
Following his character, psychopath
always wants to win, but since he is in need of support too, he must yield
sometimes, but that means defeat for him which he cannot stand simply. Namely
here is the origin of his defective disposition «It will be my way», which, in
its turn, engenders the double knot «I must be right always, or I’ll die». The
more he aims toward the keeping of the control on the situation, the more he
loses it. The more he insists on his, the faster he loses the earth under his
So he goes, a kind one, through the life
– either regularly uplifting into the skies thanks to the powerful top and
chakras 4B and 6B, or with the same regularity suffers the collapse and falls
down, following his saw-like curve. His weak bottom and the absence of firm
connection with earth disallow him to walk along the life stably and to lead
his business successfully. Prior to applying for the job, look around whom
you’re dealing to, and if you haven’t done that, do not be surprised if the
company you work for will crash suddenly.
The duality pairs in which the
psychopath in confined, - are Control – Confidence and Resistance – Yielding.
To speak about the body, it’s
necessary for the psychopath to uncover and to begin immersing into the
tensions on which we’ve stopped above. It’s also necessary for him to
investigate the weakness which is present into the lower part of his body. No
matter how unpleasant the feelings of his weakness and vulnerability may be for
him, he will have to immerse into them anyway, living through, in order to move
in the ends of the ages from saw-like curve to the straight one, gradually
ascending into the sky. We’ve already discussed how to accomplish it in this
When he will begin to look inside
him, first of all he will encounter in him the mask which will declare: «I’m
right, but you’re wrong». He associates with people with the help of this mask.
If he will give himself a chance to look deeper inside him, he’ll find out the
basic emotions, which will declare: «I’ll control you» and «For nothing I shall
yield». When he’ll continue to work on himself, then in the end of the ages his
highest «self» will come out, the one which will declare «I yield».
In order for his higher «self» to
come out, psychopath needs to learn to relax himself and to begin to use the
afforded by the life chances to rely on himself, on the people, and on the life
stream. It’s necessary for him to find the way for the actual, true yielding to
the life, a complete capitulation, to say like that. One can also call this the
humbleness. Of course, it’s not possible to capitulate at once – one can go
crazy. But gradually, step by step, this is quite achievable.
This is done in the following way.
The next time, when the inner voice will whisper you that you have to carry out
the control for some task, this be either the business or the relationships in
the family or the job, or you will begin to do it on the habit, stop yourself
and allow the events to happen, to be developed by their own script, but not by
your own. Rely.
Let it be any insignificant
situation for the beginning, in order for the fear to lose, to undergo the
defeat not to disturb you too much. You yourself at the moment may immerse into
it, allowing it to flow. It will be concentrating in you in some part of the
body, and you will have to go into these feelings, in order to live through
these sensations and to part with them for ages.
If you will do it on the regular
basis, you will begin to ensure yourself that nothing dreadful happens if you
don’t control the business flow, and even otherwise. You’ll see that everything
is developed into the direction which is needed for you. Then you’ll relax
yourself, begin to greatly rely on the people and on the life, you will possess
a greater freedom. They you will begin to learn to put off the control from the
more important tasks. And so on. Gradually you will have positive experience
accumulated and the confidence will appear that the life does everything for
you to prosper.
When you will begin to relax
yourself and to rely on yourself and on the people, here then you will have the
true control over the events appeared. You will become completely free. When
you will begin to humble and to yield, you will have the completely specific
sensations appeared in the throat chakra, the feeling of lightness and of the
freedom to act.
To speak about the sexual shift, the
complete capitulation should happen here too. You must turn by your face to the
inner needs of your own, and, if necessary, to begin to satisfy your sexual
desire physically. Though it may happen so that yours turning to yourself, true
acceptance and meditative performing of the situations – that is, you allow
your fantasies to be and struggle with them no more – will remove the need in
the physical satisfaction of the attraction.
People possessing the psychopathic
character structure, - are inborn leaders, able to manage with difficult tasks.
The perfectly govern the people and are capable of having a public appearance.
They have strong oratorical capabilities and they master the words well. Their
speeches and actions are inspirational, with God spark, and are full of appeal
and clarity. They are filled with dignity, honesty, valor and durability.
They have a highly-developed
intellect and a flexible mind. They are creative multisided-developed
personalities, possessing subtle perception and strong intuition.
They are able to keep
cold-bloodiness in the most extreme situations.
I draw your attention once again
that it cannot be the case, as a man of any character type lived through his
life only in masks and in his lowest «self». In the excessive majority of cases
highest «self» and the properties inherent to it manifest themselves to this or
that degree. People tend to notice in others first of all negative features and
to tie to them. This is quite understandable, because namely these features
deliver us the largest amount of pain and sufferings. Learn not to tie to the
pain caused to you. Learn to distinguish the features of the highest «self» in
the man standing in front of you. Train you eye until you will learn to do it
automatically. Then your life will change completely. You will move to the
completely different reality.
When somebody is near, it’s better to control
I decide by myself, how much time I
am to spend closely with someone. Everything is ok, I calm down.