This type of character (fig. 10) is also laid
down before the age of seven, when the child already realizes the sexual
differences in people. It is mostly often met among the women. As in the previous
case, the major role in forming of this character plays the father. Father
loved in the young age, but freezes his feelings when the child reaches sexual
maturity, being afraid of and not accepting his sexual reaction on him. He
pushes him away and may react on him, only when the child is disappointed. Then
he feels compassion at him and helps him to overcome the difficult situation.
Many women,
possessing such body constitution, told, that, when they entered the period of
sexual maturing, the father’s behavior in respect to them changed roughly. He
was detached from them, behaved him rigidly and made them work a lot,
motivating it by they are adolescent already. They received it as that he
canceled to love them. In response to this situation the child blocks his
sexual energy, what is manifested as the increase of body mass in the region of
basin and things.
To speak generally about the relationships in
the family, the child is treated as a man who doesn’t have the rights. They
don’t put their attention on him, he is not listened to and his feelings are
not taken seriously. In order for them to draw the attention on him and to hear
what he says, the child must heighten the voice or even shout. Being an adult,
these people maintain this habit in the associations with other people, because
it seems for them every time that they are not listened to or not heard.
Growing into the adult, a man remains bond to
the child state and to continue to have the parents’ care. He easily becomes
distressed and reacts too estimative to what happens with him. He is nervous,
theatrically-dramatic and overestimates his emotions when he encounters
problems. His tears are always ready to run. Heightened suggestibility is also
one of the main features of character.
He is not interested in details and
intellectual understanding of the problem or situation. He has a tendency to be
scattered, spread, that is, he concentrates himself hardly on what he is
interested in. He is inconsistent, contradictory and is inclined toward unexpected
behavior and change of emotions. Since he is very grasping, he is easily taken
ownership by the feeling of desperation.
In association with people he is afraid to
defend his rights, is afraid to express his demands, since he feels himself
unable to associate and to compete on the equal basis. He passionately desires
nearness and refuses to accept the changes. But he tends toward diversity and
may be indistinctive.
The feelings which he lives through are, - the
feelings of fraud, defeat and the one, that he is not drawn attention to. He
misses that they would love and take care of him, but simultaneously he is
afraid of deep emotional involvement. He also has deep feeling of injury (of
inflicted pain) living within him, deep feeling of betrayal.
His defenses are directed to that, in order to
be all the time near to people. He may use sex as a rescue from complicated and
difficult situations.
Continuing the topic of sexuality, it must be
noted, that it is proper for man with hysterical type of character to have love
in the one place, and sexual connection – in the other. The trauma he has got
in the childhood predisposes him to that he is not able to have and this and
that in one place.
In close relationships, getting closer with
someone, he may manifest unreasonableness and commit desperate actions.
The body of such man looks tempting. This is a
child and a woman at the same time, who assigns for, attracts and tempts
simultaneously. It is a child body on the woman-formed lower part. It has
splitting between the upper and the lower halves: upper part – is rigid and
restraining, but lower one is – soft and yielding. In the upper part of the
body the powerful block-defense exists, which makes the heart not diffusible.
Movements are – rolling, soft, tempting.
Such man holds his head straightly and proudly.
The jaw is firm and determined. The face may be motionless and not alive. Eyes
– are scared and widely open (in the direct and indirect meaning). Images which may flick in front of the inner sight, - are fairly
queens, czarinas, princesses. Crying cranes, glowworms, birds having
bright tail and bright flowers – are the ones which attract his attention. His
voice is expressive, may be shrill and screechy; speech is fast as a rule.
The neck is tight, flexible and ossified, makes
an impression of a strong one. Shoulders
– are tight, narrow and skeletal, may have a slope downwards, as of oral. Arms
– are weak and slim, and he cannot act with them. Chest – is compact, squeezed
and narrow, the breasts in most cases are small. Abdomen – is soft and round.
Basin – is wide, big, spacey.
It is sluggish and forceless often. Legs – are non-bending, rigid and heavy.
Back – is unbendable, spine - is rigid and unbendable.
Man with hysterical type of character possesses
great amount of energy, but it is uneven, explosive. This means that he is able
to quickly move from the state of total passiveness into the state of activity.
This man associates generally by tempting others, - this especially concerns relationships with the
opposite sex. Relationships may also be considerate and caring, as of mother,
or similar to the childish. He looks for the proofs all the time that they
prove care for him, and doesn’t bear when they remove him from them. From
another side, he may try to sabotage the relationships, especially close ones,
advancing the unreasonable arguments to the partner.
In view of his character he is not able to
judge objectively the proceedings. He may also idealize another man, but, as it
was marked out above, practically it is followed by desperation usually. He
tends to love, but is afraid to manifest his feelings. In relationships with
this kind of man other people may experience themselves caught into the trap,
oppressed and manipulated.
As in all previous cases, the man, possessing
hysterical type of character should investigate the tensions attentively, which
exist in his body. His main task is to find out the block, that is tension,
which separates his upper and lower parts of the body, and to may the energy –
a quantity of it – to flow from the lower part to the upper.
In the view of psychodynamics, the greatest
attention should be given to the trauma which has blocked his heart, that is,
to the relationships with the father in the age of youth. Simultaneously, it is
very useful to think about the question: «What will happen, if I would have
love and sex in one place, and with the same man?»
These ones are very able to perceive, flexible and
subtly sensitive people. They may be very loving and may form good, close
relations. They are full of enthusiasm, spontaneous, and if they connect their
life with arts, then good actors and actresses come from them. They have a lot
of stubbornness. They may spend years, decades for reaching the goal and will
reach desired.